Best Day Spa & Massage Therapist

3660 Sunset Avenue | Rocky Mount, NC | (252) 451-9451 |
Prepayment at the Time
of Booking Required.

Booking Information & Policies
Welcome to The Garden!
Our spa and salon service providers welcome you, your loved ones and friends. With all the choices you have, we truly appreciate you choosing us. The Garden opened in February of 2005 and has served many residents of Rocky Mount, Nashville, Red Oak, Tarboro, Wilson and surrounding areas. We invite you now to familiarize yourself with the following booking information, policies and procedures so that our communication is clear and convenient and you are able to schedule and receive the services you wish. We prefer all business be taken care of online so that upon arrival for a treatment or service with the goal of relaxing, you can actually do so. We choose to keep up with technology that is both useful and time-saving for both our service providers and guests. The biggest perk of this online platform, is that the guest has control over scheduling, rescheduling or confirming all of their appointments, 24/7. Guests will need to create and remember their login. We are also very happy to assist those that are not able to go online. Just give us a call on the main number and leave a voicemail or send us a text to that same number with your information.
Booking Information, Policies and Procedures
Booking Information
Salon and Spa services are available by appointment only. You are welcome to check our online scheduling for same day availability. It is recommended that you schedule appointments as far in advance as possible to ensure availability, at least one to two weeks in advance. Some services fill up several weeks in advance. A full prepayment is required at the time of scheduling a service. Payments can be made in cash, The Garden Gift Card, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. No other wellness or spa gift cards are accepted at The Garden. When booking online, you must use a credit card or gift card to prepay the appointment. If you wish to use a gift card for prepayment and it does not have the full service amount, please jot down the date, time, service, and name of the service provider that you would like to book and text the information along with your name, phone number and gift card number to 252-451-9451 and we will contact you to complete the booking. If you choose to prepay with a credit card and still want to use a gift card at the time of service, we are very happy to reverse the credit card charge at that time. Currently, our software will only allow credit cards to be used in online booking.
A couple service providers, Casie Varnell and Shauna Minshew, prefer to schedule their own appointments due to how many clients they serve and the nature of their services provided. If you wish to book with Casie Varnell, you can contact her directly at 252-813-0502. Shauna Minshew can be contacted directly at 252-908-7477. If you happen to leave them a message at our main number, they will receive the message also.
How do I contact someone if I have a question, but not about booking?
Descriptions have been added to each service so that guests can learn about what is included in the service. After reading the description, if you still have questions about the service, if it’s the right service for you, or if you have a question about the particular service provider please leave a voicemail or text your name, phone number, service, and specific question(s) to 252-451-9451 and we will have that service provider contact you to answer your questions directly. This is how we can ensure that you are receiving accurate information specifically for you, and not in general terms. At times, it can take 24-48 hours for the service provider to respond. This is dependent on their client schedule, what day of the week you left the information, holidays and days off. Please know that your questions are very important to us and will be answered.
Arrival Information
It is recommended that you arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment to complete any missing required health history and consent for care forms and relax a bit before your session begins. Upon arrival, have a seat in the appropriate lobby. For hair and nail services, please have a seat in the lobby to your left. For massage therapy, facials, waxing, and spray tan services, please have a seat in the lobby to your right. Your service provider will greet you at the scheduled appointment time. For your relaxation, as well as other spa guests’ comfort, we ask that you please turn off or silence your cell phone.
Where are the health history and consent forms?
When you scheduled an appointment that requires you to complete a health history, consent for care, minor release, or pregnancy consent forms, they were included in your confirmation email to complete electronically and submit back to us prior to your appointment. We prefer to receive these at least 24 hours prior to your appointment so that we can review your information. A general health history and consent for care is only required once a year.
Late Arrivals
Arriving late will reduce the time of your treatment in order to ensure the next client will not be delayed. Late arrivals will still be responsible for the full amount of the service.
Cancellations, Rescheduling and Missed Appointments
Please be courteous and give at least a 24-hour notice if you must cancel or reschedule an appointment in order to avoid a cancellation fee. All cancellations must be done by a team member. Please call or text us at 252-451-9451 that you need to cancel an appointment. Please give us your name, phone number, date, time and service type that you are cancelling. We prefer this method of cancelling so that we make sure you receive a refund of deposit. 48 hours are required for groups of 2 or more. Missed appointments or rescheduling with less than a 24-hour notice will be subject to the full-service fee as we are unable to fill that time with short notice.
Gratuities are not included. Most of our guests tip 20% for services rendered.
Gift Card Information
Gift Cards are available for purchase during your scheduled visit or on the website. For your convenience, we offer 2 ways to order gift cards online. Before purchasing, please decide the best choice for you.
You can purchase a printable gift certificate to email or print out to give someone.
You can stop by the front desk to purchase a debit style gift card. We don't use a receptionist, so please let us know you'd like to stop by and we'll coordinate a time that is best for you.
If you use option 1 and have any printing or electronic issues, we are very happy to assist you. If you need help retrieving, please leave a voicemail or send a text to 252-451-9451 with your name, phone number, the date of purchase and let us know that you need help retrieving a gift certificate. Rarely does this happen, but any electronic device can glitch.
The Garden Gift Cards are non-refundable. The Garden Gift Cards can be used to purchase all services, gratuities, as well as all retail products. Gift Cards are purchased for an amount of your choosing, but not for a specific service. Purchasing a Gift Card does not lock in a service price in the event of price increase.
Gift Cards will expire if not used within 5 years from the date of purchase.
Gift Card Balance
To check the balance of a gift card, please leave a voicemail or send us a text to 252-451-9451 with your name, phone number, and gift card number asking us to reply with the gift card balance.
Purchasing BareMinerals Makeup and other Retail Products
Retail products such as Rocky Mountain Oils aromatherapy oils, Glo Therapeutics professional skin care products, Biofreeze, CBD Clinic creams and oils, as well as amazing Keyano body scrubs and creams are available for purchase during your scheduled appointment or by scheduling a time to meet with a service provider that can assist you. Please leave a voicemail or text at 252-451-9451 with your name, phone number and what product you are interested in and what day and time you would like to stop by. We will contact you to schedule a convenient time. Often, we can complete your transaction over the phone and have your product at the front desk for you to pick up at your convenience. All products are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. There are testers available for most products.
How do I purchase BareMinerals makeup?
If you know the BareMinerals product(s) that you would like, text us your name, phone number and the name of the product and we’ll contact you to set up a convenient time for you to stop by or complete the transaction over the phone. To be color-matched with BareMinerals foundation, please text a request for an Esthetician to schedule a color-match appointment. There is absolutely no charge for this scheduled time. The Estheticians need to have the appropriate amount of time set aside to serve you and stay on schedule with other guests. Please do not stop by with the expectation of getting color-matched without an appointment. BareMinerals makeup products are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. Testers are available for you to try and are most welcome to wear that product home to see how it looks in natural light or if there is any skin reaction. If you receive a color-match on an overcast day, we suggest wearing it home to see how it looks in natural light.
The Garden service providers and your fellow guests absolutely love children, however children under the age of 13 are not permitted without themselves having an appointment. Children of all ages are welcome to receive services. Parents of guests under the age of 18 will be required to complete necessary forms to provide information such as health history and minor consent to receive service.
Couples Massage
Does The Garden schedule Couples Massage? We offered couples massage for many years and as a Massage Therapy Team unanimously decided to not offer it any longer. We feel that it is more therapeutic and relaxing to keep sessions individual. We welcome couples and friends to schedule their appointments at the same time, but in their own private treatment room.
Massage during Pregnancy
Can massage be received during pregnancy? Yes and no. It is not recommended to receive massage therapy during the first trimester of pregnancy. The Garden offers a prenatal massage during the second and third trimesters that use appropriate positioning, cushioning and pressure. Deep tissue massage is not recommended during pregnancy. Health history and pregnancy consent forms will be required and included in the appointment confirmation email. Lastly, massage is not allowed if blood pressure or gestational diabetes is not controlled or if there is a high-risk pregnancy.
Jewelry and Valuables
It is recommended that you leave your jewelry and other valuables at home during your appointment. We will literally have you floating out on cloud-9 and we already have plenty of jewelry. The Garden is not responsible for any lost valuables. If you must wear jewelry to your appointment, it is recommended that you remove those items during sessions, especially necklaces and dangling earrings as they are hard to work around and may get covered in oils or creams.